I know, I know. This blog is supposed to be about all things photography, but I have valuable advice to dispense.
I have an iPhone.
I try to believe I need an iPhone so I can justify the bill, but really the truth is I've gotten to the point that I cant live without it. It is my business line for Abbey Knoll Photography. All my contacts are in it. I'm just plain addicted, and really, its pretty, and very blingy.
So, there I was driving along and I came to a stop and my iPhone slid across the center console and went for a swim in my Tinkerbell coffee mug. I know I should use a travel mug, and I do now - lesson learned - but this was a tough couple of days and sudddenly I was phone-less.
I called a few knowledgeable friends and they all told me there was nothing to do but go to the Apple Store and fess up. Apparently there's a strip inside the phone that turns pink when it gets wet, and that voids your warrent. Even if its coffee.
The guy at the Apple Store pulled me aside and told me that he could sell me a phone for $199 or I could try something he heard about. Set the phone in rice and see if the rice can draw out the moisture, err, coffee.
I didnt know if he was joking or not so I just nodded and went home to search the web for rice and phones. Its amazing what I found. People all over the country have tried similar techniques, some put the rice on the porch so the sun would help. One guy actually baked his iPhone. People are desperate. And so was I. Plus, I had nothing to lose. The phone was already busted.
So I baked an iPhone casserole. One inch of rice, phone, then another inch of rice, on 200 degrees for 4 hours. Laugh all you want. I didnt burn down the house - and it actually worked!
After it cooled down and I recharged the battery, it worked, and it still works fine! How 'bout them apples!